Professional Services

The Chamber provides the following tools so that you may focus on growing your business.

Business Delegation Service

Events Management Services



A Dedicated Program to Help You Gain Market Knowledge and Meet Potential Clients

During a delegation visit to Hong Kong, one of the key objectives is to meet potential clients and find new business leads without getting involved with administrative tasks.

That’s why CanChamHK has a dedicated program to provide business delegations visiting Hong Kong and Asia with services such as the arrangement of logistics as well as opportunities to meet with potential partners/clients.

Our One-Stop Approach

  1. Provide advice on logistics / accommodations / program development
  2. Assessment of your business needs
  3. Identify potential partners / collaborators
  4. Confirm mutual business interests
  5. Setup meeting / site visits with interested parties
  6. Compile delegation program
  7. Provide dedicated staff to accompany you to the meetings


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Transpac 2023

End-to-end Event Management Service

The Chamber offers an end-to-end event management service for staging your own seminar, company introduction, or learning session in Hong Kong.

Benefits include:

  1. Arrangement of venue and catering for a lunchtime or evening event
  2. Administrative support and RSVP management
  3. Personnel support on the day to greet and introduce guests
  4. Worry free access to your guests – so that business can be done.



Questions? Contact us