The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong is the voice of Canadian businesses in the city.
Our mission is to promote and facilitate trade, investment, and cultural exchange between Canada and Hong Kong.

We provide a platform for networking, collaboration, and advocacy to support the interests of our diverse member companies and individuals. Whether you're a Canadian firm looking to expand into the Hong Kong market or a local company seeking to connect with Canadian businesses, we welcome you to get in touch with us to learn more about how CanCham HK can assist you.

Emails will be answered in 2 business days. If urgent, please call us directly at +852 2110 8700.


The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong
17th Floor, Edinburgh Tower, The Landmark
15 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
MTR Station: Central/Hong Kong Station

Office Hours 9am – 6 pm
+852 2110 8700

Contact Us