Privacy Policy

Chamber Privacy Policy Statement (Updated March 2024)

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong (“we”, “us”, “our”, “Chamber”) is the data user and we are committed to protecting your Personal Data. This privacy policy statement (“Privacy Policy”) explains our practice in relation to the collection, retention, storage, marketing and sharing of Personal Data. By reading and accepting our Privacy Policy, you acknowledge its existence, content and understand how and why we collect, use, store, share, transmit, delete or otherwise process your Personal Data.

“Personal Data” means any information relating to you or your company directly or indirectly, from which your identity can be directly or indirectly ascertained that can be used to identify you. Personal Data must also exist in a form which access to or processing of is practicable. This Privacy Policy may, in our sole discretion, be updated, modified, and changed from time to time. We advise you to frequently review our Privacy Policy.


Types of Personal Data we collect or may collect:

  • your name, salutation*
  • your gender*
  • your date of birth (For YP membership may be mandatory*)
  • your nationality
  • your electronic mail addresses*
  • facsimile number
  • photographs and videos
  • your residential, business and postal mailing address*
  • your home telephone number
  • work telephone number*
  • your mobile number*
  • work-related information such as your job title, the name/profile of your company, your registration details and the nature of your business/industry; Work phone number, Website (domain url address)*
  • your academic qualification, professional attainments, bio profile, picture, Alma Mater and awards
  • your business and Chamber interests
  • your credit card number and expiry date, and /or your bank account details for payments, transfers, donations and purchases for events, items and services
  • your membership numbers
  • your profile pictures and videos
  • your WhatsApp ID
  • your WeChat ID
  • your LinkedIn ID
  • your Instagram ID
  • information related to your use of our website, services, events and committees


*Mandatory Personal Data. If you do not provide us with mandatory Personal Data, we may not be able to:

  • Enrol you as a member, provide you access to our website, the use of name in the membership directory, apps or other platforms.
  • Respond to your communications with us; or
  • Provide you services as set out in our website or apps or membership agreement.


How we are collecting your Personal Data

We will collect your Personal Data when you provide such data to us directly or submit such data to us on our website, apps, social media, photos, videos, mail, or any digital or paper method of registration or forms. We may collect your Personal Data from third parties; from events; from publicly available sources of information; when you navigate throughout our website; and when we are required to do so by law or regulation. We will not be responsible to confirm the accuracy, correctness or completeness of such information from third parties or publicly available sources.


Purposes for which we use your Personal Data:

  • Verifying your identity
  • Processing your membership application, enrolment or renewal
  • Promotion and provision of various membership services, meetings or events to you
  • Promoting our members through our website or app members’ area to facilitate connections and networking between our members
  • For any nomination or participation for committees, special workgroups, discussion groups, awards
  • With consent, marketing on our website and other platforms for business promotion and networking
  • Processing complaints, enquiries, surveys or feedback
  • Collecting data, information for reports, research or statistical purposes
  • With consent, marketing purposes to send you information, newsletters and other materials about the Chamber, its members, business partners, and events through multiple channels
  • Making your Personal Data available to other members to facilitate business opportunities and networking
  • Processing billing, donations and payments, and if necessary, to collect outstanding payments
  • Communicating with you regarding your membership, events and assist with your inquiries
  • Other purposes as maybe agreed between you and the Chamber
  • Disclosures as required by applicable laws or regulations



We may display your photograph, video, name, company and contact details (telephone numbers and email address) on the Website’s/App members’ area. Chamber members may view your Personal Data and use them to contact you for purposes including direct marketing or business networking. If you consider this use of your Personal Data unacceptable, please indicate your objection by emailing the Chamber.


Transfer, storage, or disclosure of Personal Data:

We will never sell your Personal Data to any third party. When transfer, storage or disclosure of Personal Data is necessary to satisfy the purpose, or directly related purpose, for which the Personal Data was collected, we may provide such information or copies to the following relevant parties:


  • Any agent or third-party service providers including contractors consultants/professionals, IT service and software suppliers, administrative service providers, vendors and lawyers and other accountancy bodies (local and overseas)


  • Government bodies and other regulators only required under the law or pursuant to any regulatory arrangements between the Chamber and the government body or regulator


  • Our employees, officers, Governors, Executive Committee members or other members of the Chamber


  • Our insurers and bankers


  • Payment processors


Some of the persons to whom we disclose Personal Data may be situated outside Hong Kong. The collected Personal Data may be transmitted to and stored in the data centres of third-party data storage provider(s) within or outside of Hong Kong. The Chamber cannot control how third parties use your personal information and to the greatest extent permitted by law assumes no responsibility for the privacy protection provided by such third parties.


Data retention

Personal data will be retained by the Chamber only for such period as may be necessary for carrying out the purposes stated in this policy or as otherwise specified at the time of collection. We will destroy any of your Personal Data that we no longer require as soon as possible according to our internal rules and applicable laws. Hard copies of any documents containing your Personal Data that you have provided to the Chamber become the property of the Chamber and will not be returned to you, unless otherwise agreed.


Security, Protection and Risks

The Chamber will take reasonable steps to protect your Personal Data and to limit the uses of your Personal Data, as described in this Privacy Policy.

We cannot guarantee that your Personal Data will always remain constantly secure because of certain risks. There is always a possibility that your Personal Data could be lost due to technical problems or stolen from our databases by malicious computer users or persons. We will not be held responsible for any such loss or theft to the greatest extent permitted by law. Our website or other digital platforms may link to a wide variety of other websites, sources, and it may display advertisements from third parties’. We do not endorse the products or services of such third parties. We are not responsible for the content or the privacy policies of third-party websites, sources, and third-party advertisers, nor for the way in which information about their users is treated.


Online users, Data collection, other sites

Our servers may automatically collect data about your Internet address when you visit us. Your IP address is used to help identify you and to gather demographic information about our members and users as a whole, but does not include personally identifiable information. Our server may also record the referring page that linked you to us; the pages you visit on this site; the web site you visit after this site; other information about the type of web browser, computer, platform, related software and settings you are using; any search terms you have entered on this site or a referral site; and other web usage activity and data logged by our servers. We use this information for internal system administration, to help diagnose problems with our servers, and to administer our services. Cookies may be used by us to analyse the site usage, improve content, customize the site's content and layout and for other customer service purposes. A cookie may enable us to relate your use of our site to other information about you, including your personal information. All of these purposes serve to improve and personalize your experience on our site. We cannot be responsible for the privacy policies and practices of other sites, including third-party, even if you access them using links from our site and recommend that you check the policy of each site you visit and contact its owner or operator, if you have any concerns or questions.


Personal information access and correction

You have the right to request access to your Personal Data. Your right of access includes the right to obtain a copy of the Personal Data the Chamber holds about you. A charge will be made to cover the administrative cost of recovery and photocopying Personal Data supplied in response to a data access request. The delivery method is determined by the Chamber.

You may also exercise your right of correction by writing to the Chamber by email, specifying the Personal Data which needs to be corrected. Satisfactory proof and explanation of the inaccuracy is essential before the Chamber will correct the Personal Data. Upon satisfying itself of the authenticity and validity of the correction request, the Chamber will comply with and respond to the request. Please contact the Executive Director at the Chamber if you have requests or queries regarding this Privacy Policy by e-mail to



To the greatest extent permitted by law, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong does not accept any responsibility for the loss or theft of Personal Data, nor does it make any representations with respect to the accuracy or completeness of any of the Personal Data. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong is not liable to members or any third party for any loss or damage resulting from use of its Personal Data.