Monthly Committee Round Up: July

CanCham has been bustling with activity across its various committees in July, highlighting the organization's commitment to fostering community engagement!

  • Innovation Committee: New Co-Chair! We are thrilled to welcome Ron Kwok as the new Co-chair of our Innovation Committee (IC). Ron has been a dedicated volunteer with CanCham for the past two years, demonstrating a strong commitment to supporting Canadian businesses and promoting technological innovation.
  • Marketing & Communications Committee:The MarComm Committee hosted their second committee meeting, where they discussed various initiatives, including: Community Building, CSR Branding and Digital Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations
  • Entrepreneur and Small Business Committee:  The ESBC Committee attended an exciting event titled "Landscapes through the Diasporic Eye." This event featured an evening of art, champagne, and whisky, with a focus on the creative process and contributions of McGill graduate and artist Lianne Nerissa Allegra Ho to Contemporary Art. Thanks McGill Alumni for organising this event.
  • Young Professionals Committee:
    University of Toronto collaborated with University of British Columbia to co-host an amazing Canada Day celebration for the YPs. CanCham was proud to support this event, which provided an opportunity for young professionals to network and come together to celebrate Canada's national holiday.

Thank you to everyone for their hard work and dedication - the committees are the lifeblood of our Chamber!