[CanChamHK Annual Ball 2024] Chairman's Speech

Alex Tam, Chairman of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong 

May 10th, 2024

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed members and friends of CanCham,

Welcome to the spectacular 2024 Annual Ball! Tonight, we embark on an extraordinary Journey to Wonderland, where our vibrant community of Canadians and friends in Hong Kong will come together to celebrate, connect, and have an unforgettable evening of fun!

I am truly delighted to witness the presence of so many distinguished members and pillars of our community here tonight. A special heartfelt welcome goes out to our Annual Ball sponsors, Manulife and Sunlife, as well as the esteemed past Chairmans of CanCham HK, including John Witt, Todd Hancock, and Victor Apps, who grace us with their presence this evening. I would also like to acknowledge the generous support and attendance of several of our Governors including Allan Zeman, Victor Yang, Aron Harilela, Bob Cook, Clement Lam, William Doo, Iggy Chong, Patrick Lam, and Lincoln Leong, who also serves as the Head of our Governors council.

Furthermore, I would like to extend my gratitude to our esteemed Platinum and Gold sponsors. Their unwavering support exemplifies the strength and influence of our community. We are incredibly grateful to Air Canada, ASPAC, BMO, CK Hutchison, CK Infrastructure, CIBC, Hongkong Land, Manulife, Melco, RBC, Scotiabank, Sunlife, and our newest Platinum sponsor, Hengan International Group.

Tonight, we have the pleasure of not only hosting our community’s beloved members, but also witnessing the talent and creativity of students from two exceptional Canadian international schools in Hong Kong—Christian Alliance International School (CAIS) and Canadian International School (CDNIS). They will grace us with their performances and showcase their wonderful talent.

Our Annual Ball is not just a time for celebration; it is also an opportunity for us to give back. We are proud to collaborate with Mighty Oaks as this year’s Annual Ball Charity partner. Mighty Oaks is an organization committed to transforming lives through inter-generational programs. I kindly request each and every one of you to generously donate and participate in our auctions and raffle, where you will have the chance to win incredible prizes curated by the ball committee.

Lastly, I want to express our deepest gratitude to our longtime title sponsor, Manulife. Their unwavering support has been instrumental in the success of our Annual Ball even during the challenging times of the pandemic. I would also like to extend thanks to our generous donors and the exceptional Co-Chairs of our Annual Ball, Helen Peng of Sunlife and Calvin Chiu of Manulife. We are also grateful to the dedicated Ball Committee, including my wife Vivien, Patrick our new Executive Director and his hard working Secretariat team, and the numerous sponsors who have contributed generously to the success of this event and the Chamber.

On behalf of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, I express our heartfelt appreciation to all of you and extend my warmest wishes for a truly memorable and captivating evening.  May I invite our Exco, Governors, and Committee Chairs on stage for a toast.

May this remarkable Journey to Wonderland inspire us to embrace the marvels of our community, of collaboration, of innovation, and shared success.